4 Steps to Achieving Safe Oral Sex and Favors with Couples

Every couple ideally has safe oral sex. This is intended to prevent illness from invading and hindering your life. How do you invite your partner to do oral sex, without thinking about being structured or uncomfortable? Peek at the tips here.

How to invite and have safe oral sex with a partner

The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) says that the rate of spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.

Dr. Peter Greenhouse, a sexy health consultant for the NHS in the UK and also said that the gonorrhea distribution increased because the disease was resistant to drugs. Common medicines are no longer effective in eradicating gonorrhea. These bacteria will remain between the mouth and many do not have safe oral sex.

In fact, not only genital herpes, gonorrhea, and syphilis alone are easily spread through oral sex. Other HIV diseases such as HIV, hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, genital warts, and family fleas can also be transmitted through oral sex.

How do you make your partner want to have safe oral sex?

Safe oral sex can be started by the right discussion and invitation with your partner. There is a surface invitation and sexual disease barriers through oral sex is done when you and your partner have begun to be more intimate.

1. Try starting with the question

Before starting your hot session, make sure you are honest and open about each other's sexual history. Ask important things like, "Have you had sex before?"

Such questions can be a conversation opener that leads you to serious questions like, "Have you ever injected HPV or tested for HIV yet?". If your partner appears offended or ashamed to answer, there is no need to be angry. Just explain slowly that it is important to know that you can enjoy hot oral sex without worrying about the risk of disease.

Some people may not be aware that they have symptoms of venereal disease. Because the symptoms of a venereal disease are often overlooked and the virus can land on your body for years without severe symptoms.

2. Invite a partner with a venereal disease test

Oral sex feels comfortable when done with a partner who is free of venereal disease. To get a sense of security, you and your partner can both carry out a venereal disease test. That way, you and your partner can both get clear information about the condition of each body through the test results.

If your partner does not want to do a venereal disease test, please use a safe safety device to prevent transmission of venereal diseases.

3. Prevent together

If you and your partner are declared clean from viruses or bacteria that cause venereal disease, start a discussion about how to prevent it. There are several steps you can take, such as injecting HPV (human papillomavirus) and using condoms for safe oral sex.

Use of condoms or oral protective latex (dental dams) is strongly recommended during oral sex. Although oral sex carries a very little risk of HIV, you can still get it if people who receive oral sex have the venereal disease or have a wound on their genital area. Viruses and bacteria that cause venereal disease can also be obtained if sex is done with wounds in the mouth or bleeding gums.

4. Don't blame each other

If later you or your partner is affected by the disease, it's good not to blame each other. The reason is, most people do not know that he contracted or transmitted the disease to other people. You should focus on the care, treatment, and lifestyle that can address the venereal disease.

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