Sperm Does not come out during ejaculation, still can be pregnant?
What happens if you have sex with a dry condition, aka semen doesn't come out? Some people wonder about this, can the couple get pregnant if the condition is like this? Come on, see the following explanation.
When sperm doesn't come out, is it possible to get pregnant?
Semen is a liquid produced when a man ejaculates. In this fluid, there are many sperm counts. Once ejaculation, in a man's semen can be as many as 300 million sperms that are ready to slide into the vagina.
When a sperm manages to enter and meet a woman's egg, pregnancy can occur. Sperm that will fertilize a woman's egg cell then develops into a zygote. This is the principle, sperm must meet first with the egg and then get pregnant.
So, if no sperm enters the egg, will the pregnancy occur? The answer is certainly not. When the egg is not fertilized by a single sperm, the egg cell will eventually collapse, until the menstrual cycle occurs.
So when the penis penetrates in a dry condition, there is no fluid at all, you could say that there is almost no possibility of pregnancy. The reason is, sperm cannot live and move without semen.
Not getting out of semen is not necessarily a pre-ejaculation fluid
When the penis is erect before a man reaches the ejaculation phase (secreting semen) there is usually pre-ejaculation fluid produced and will come out first. The amount of this liquid is far less than cement. A man cannot control the production of this fluid consciously.
Well, if this liquid has come out and entered the vagina, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Because, despite the small amount of fluid, this pre-ejaculation fluid still contains thousands of sperm.
This means that the egg can still be fertilized by sperm from this pre-ejaculation fluid. So if semen doesn't come out but this pre-ejaculation fluid comes out, then the chances of getting pregnant remain.
The point is this, as long as the penis is completely dry or there is no fluid whatsoever comes out, both semen and ejaculation, very little or almost no possibility of a woman being pregnant. However, if you do not get ejaculated (orgasm) but the penis is still wet due to pre-ejaculation fluid, there is still a chance of pregnancy.
So if you don't want to get pregnant, use safe contraception during sex. For example condoms or birth control pills. Whereas if you are working on a pregnancy but the husband does not also come out of his semen, immediately consult a doctor.
Find out what causes your semen doesn't come out
Even if you feel the semen doesn't come out or just very little, this doesn't mean you can't fertilize the egg. Conditions such as retrograde ejaculation or delayed ejaculation even though there is very little semen that comes out or sometimes does not come out do not mean that it does not excrete semen containing sperm.
1. Retrograde ejaculation
Retrograde ejaculation is a condition that occurs when the semen that should be removed from the penis actually enters the bladder. This is because the bladder neck muscles cannot tighten during orgasm. This condition is also called dry orgasm.
Although a man has reached his sexual climax, retrograde ejaculation makes the semen that comes out of the penis so little or even no semen. Retrograde ejaculation does not affect a man's ability to reach climax, this is a problem in the direction of semen coming into the bladder.
When there is little semen that comes out, the possibility of getting pregnant remains but tends to be more difficult. Therefore, one of the symptoms of retrograde ejaculation is that it is difficult to have offspring.
If you have a partner who has sex regularly for one year or more but has not been pregnant too, you should visit a gynecologist.
2. Delayed ejaculation
Delayed ejaculation is a condition when a man needs longer and more intense sexual stimulation. In some cases, ejaculation cannot even be achieved at all without proper stimulation.
Although this condition does not pose a serious medical risk, men usually become stressed until they end up being dissatisfied with having sex. Indeed, the man becomes difficult to remove sperm and fertilize the egg in the vagina.
Can be pregnant or not because this condition depends on the cause. This condition can be caused by certain health problems, taking medication, or mental disorders.
Handling is usually done you have to work together with your partner to find the most satisfying stimuli. In addition, if necessary doctors will also provide special drugs to treat the cause. If you don't find out what causes it is physically, you may need to undergo psychological therapy.
If the treatment offered is not successful, there is still a way to get pregnant. For example, with special methods such as doctors taking sperm in a man's body and being inserted into the vagina of his female partner during the fertile period. This method is known as sperm injection or ICSI.
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