5 Respiratory Exercise Techniques to Improve Lung Function

Healthy lungs make the body have a large amount of air storage capacity. With a large air storage capacity, the body does not get tired easily or fumes. Unfortunately, with age, lung capacity will decrease. Therefore, the body needs to do breathing exercises to maintain and increase lung capacity.

With lung breathing, exercises can store more oxygen needed in the body. What is the form of breathing exercise like? Come on, see the reviews below.

1. Diaphragmatic breathing exercises

This breathing exercise involves the diaphragm and the abdomen. In this breathing when the air enters the abdomen will be fully filled so that it expands, while the chest does not move much. Do this exercise for at least 5 minutes a day.

How to do it:
  • Sit relaxed while leaning.
  • Place one hand on your stomach and one on your chest.
  • Inhale through the nose for two seconds, feel the air moving to fill the stomach. Feel your stomach getting fuller and bigger. Your stomach must move more than your chest.
  • Exhale for two seconds through small open lips while feeling a deflated stomach.
  • Repeat 10 times. Keep your shoulders stretched throughout repetition, and keep your back straight while practicing diaphragmatic breathing.

2. Exercise pursed-lips breathing

You are trained to reduce the amount of breath you take and make your airways open longer. To practice it, just breathe through the nose and remove it through the mouth as long as possible with pursed lips.

How to do it:
  • Inhale slowly through the nose, making sure your lips are closed.
  • Breathe as slowly as possible through a very small pursed or open lips. Take it as slowly as possible, longer than when you inhale.
  • Repeat again. You can do it while standing or sitting.

3. Rib stretch exercises

This exercise is quite easy to do. The key to this breathing exercise is to hold as much air as possible in the lungs and with a longer time of 10-25 seconds.

This technique can help increase your lung capacity when trained at least once a day. Do this breathing exercise 3 times a day to increase lung capacity more effectively. One practice do for 2-5 minutes.

How to train it:
  • Stand straight and body straight.
  • Blast all the oxygen from your lungs.
  • Then breathe slowly, fill the lungs with as much air as possible. When it is maximally inhaled, do not immediately exhale. Hold your breath for 10-15 seconds.
  • Don't worry if you can't hold your breath for that long. Try holding it for 6 or 7 seconds and keep increasing the time gradually until you are used to holding your breath for 10-15 seconds.
  • After 10-15 seconds, exhale again until all oxygen from the lungs exits.

4. Exercise numbered breathing

This breathing exercise can be useful for anyone who wants to increase lung capacity. With this breathing exercise technique, you must calculate up to 8 times without stopping.

How to do it:

  • Stand straight with your eyes closed, then take a deep breath.
  • When inhaling, imagine number 1.
  • Hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale.
  • Inhale again while imagining number 2.
  • Hold your breath again for a few 3 seconds, then exhale.
  • Inhale again while imagining number 3.
  • Do it so that you imagine number 8.

5. Pranayama lung strength training

This exercise is done while sitting by taking turns using the right and left nostrils. The trick is quite easy:
  • Sit cross-legged with a straight back position.
  • Close the left nostril with your fingers.
  • Take a deep, slow breath with the right nostril open.
  • When you have taken a maximum breadth, now close the right nostril and open the left nostril simultaneously to exhale slowly. Exhale from the left nostril to the maximum.
  • Take your breath back through the left nostril.
  • Then, close the left nostril again, and exhale through the right nostril. Slowly remove.
  • Perform continuously alternately up to 10 times.

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